
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project Title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
Pay now or wait a year: embargoes as a selective barrier to access DCC Template Edge Hill University Liam Bullingham (new window) Opens in new window
燃料电池氧还原ORR非铂催化剂的研究 DCC Template Other 曼丽 王 (new window) Opens in new window
Novel materials and structural optimization for high temperature CO2 utilization DCC Template University of St Andrews HAODONG WU (new window) Opens in new window
HIV PATIENTS DCC Template Example University milkiyas haile (new window) Opens in new window
Study of non carbon fuels for marine transportation DCC Template Other Terese Lovas (new window) Opens in new window
DiMo-NEXT DCC Template Other Wolfgang Kremser (new window) Opens in new window
SAVER Information Study DCC Template University of Liverpool Frances Sherratt (new window) Opens in new window
FARSYD - FArming SYstems as tool to support policies for effective conservation and management of high nature value farmlanDs DCC Template Other Ângela Lomba (new window) Opens in new window
Validity, sensitivity and specificity of autism diagnostic assessments in genetic syndromes and other conditions associated with intellectual disability DCC Template University of Surrey Natali Bozhilova (new window) Opens in new window
Guidance for taking Automated Electronic Defibrillators (AEDs) into remote locations – a Delphi Study DCC Template University of Plymouth First Namematt griggs (new window) Opens in new window